Marine Radio

Safe Communication On The Water

Cobra's marine radios for boats are essential out on the water. Built-in GPS sends distress signals from your exact location, while 24-hour access to emergency alerts keep you informed, prepared, and aware. Whether you choose a handheld or a fixed-mount option, Cobra has marine radios for sale to help you be ready for the unexpected.

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About Marine Radios

An essential tool when you're on the water, marine radios can let you send distress signals, communicate with land, call for help, tune into severe weather updates, or make announcements over a PA system. They're the ultimate lifesaving marine tool, and essential to your safety. A VHF marine radio is quicker and more reliable than a cell phone on the water, and because they are the primary means of communication when on a boat, marine radios should be your first choice in emergency situations.

The Cobra fixed-mount MRF77B and handheld MRHH600 are marine VHF radios with GPS built-in, so you'll always know exactly where you are. GPS also lets you send signals with your exact location, helping the Coast Guard or other ships to reach you quickly. You may also want to consider a marine radio that is Digital Selective Calling (DSC) capable, which allows you to send distress signals instantly with the touch of a button.

Cobra marine radios offer other advanced features. With Rewind-Say-Again, channel scan, instant channel 16/9, illuminated LCD, easy menu navigation, PA speaker output, and 24-hour access to emergency alerts via the NOAA Weather Radio and Weather Alert, Cobra has a variety of marine radios for sale so that you'll be able to always have safe communication on the water.